In Croatia there are embassies, consular offices and vice-consular offices of the following countries:
- Australia (Australia)
- Austria (Österreich)
- Belgium (Belgique)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Montenegro
- The Czech Republic (ČeskáRepublika)
- Denmark (KongerigetDanmark)
- Finland (Finland)
- France (RépubliqueFrançaise)
- Greece (Hellas)
- Ireland (Éire-Ireland)
- Italy(Italia)
- Kazakhstan (ҚазақстанРеспубликасы)
- Hungary (Magyarország)
- Macedonia
- The Netherlands (Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
- Germany (Deutschland)
- Norway (KongeriketNoreg)
- Poland (Polska)
- The Russian Federation (РоссийскаяФедерация)
- Slovakia (Slovensko)
- Slovenia
- Serbia
- Sweden (KonungariketSverige)
- Switzerland (Die Schweiz)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK &N.Ireland)
Tourist can stay in the Republic of Croatia up to three months.
A foreign national who doesn’t need a visa for entering the Republic of Croatia can stay in the Republic of Croatia up to a maximum of 90 days within a period of 180 days, counting from the day of the first entry.
Take some time to check important and useful information necessary for a carefree trip!